How I learned to HODL!!!

I'm a small millionaire. I'm in my 40s, and am working in tech.
I made my fortune from HODLing….before HODL was even a word…I've been holding some stocks for 15 years now passing the 2008 crash, the 2011 crash, the 2020 crash, and countless other drops. Some other stocks are 5 and 12 years old.
I bought bitcoin and ETH during the rush time on Dec 2017 at 18,000$, and ~300$….just to see them a year later plunge by 70%. I still hold, and don't intend to sell. Now the return is over 250% in 3.5 years. Still better than the S&P500 (which I also HODL for years).
On the other side, I bought TSLA when it was 19$, and sold it at 22$ after 2 days….GODDDDD!!!! Today this would be worth 400K$
What I'm saying is, be like the first part of me, and not the 2nd part…HODL, and you will reach the moon.
Love and good luck.
UPDATE Small millionaire = someone who doesn't actually feel like one, and mostly embarrassed by it. I pointed it out to assist with my point. Hilarious comments though.
Note that not hodling work…. I own psth, gsah, and some other spacs which are yielding basically nothing, and currently they are dry as the Sahara desert. Still sticking with them for the long run hoping that they will give high return in the future. Secret is in diversing hoping that some investment will give give the x10.
Another technique to reduce pressure from selling is to sell a small portion when you see a large rise… I sold 1/3 of the stocks that I bought 15 years ago at a 50% gain… I left the other 2/3 which gave me over 1000% gain. Helped me….
submitted by /u/AffectionateSimple94
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