Crypto is the best investment for your future

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Crypto is the best investment for your future

Yes Crypto really is the best investment you can make.

With how shit interest rates are with the scumbag banks it is literally pointless putting money in a savings account. Plus the world is waking up to the shit banks/investment companies pull.

PLEASE bear in mind there is a risk that the crypto project you invest in will not succeed. There are thousands of blockchain projects, and competition is fierce. Regulators could also crack down on the entire crypto industry if more governments begin to view cryptocurrencies as a threat rather than just an innovative technology ( IMO it is already too big for this but it is a possibility ) This is the risk you take in any investment.

The plan I am currently employing is to put as much as I can every month in to crypto ideally I would love to be paid in crypto but not a possibility yet. The to hold for ** minimum ** 5 years but looking to more likely be 10 then consider selling. People are constantly trying to get a quick win it may well happen but it is rare you need to be realistic.

Other Tips:


Tell anyone how much crypto you have cause.. you will be targeted by scammers imo don’t even tell family and friends makes life easier.

Don’t keep your crypto on an Exchange unless you don’t trust yourself but if that exchange goes down your crypto is too! Get your self a Ledger device off load the crypto and put your mind at rest.

Ideally you want to have a device you only use for crypto ( never used for anything else not even email ) if this is not something you can do make sure to update your machine for security patches also virus scan daily if not weekly scans and install various anti virus softwares as they help cover the gaps some virus scanners miss. Make sure to use 2FA DO NOT USE TEXTas this can be spoofed by hackers always make sure you are using an app such as google authenticator.

Cover all areas of research before you invest. * what is the purpose of the crypto? * what is the marketcap of the crypto? * look at the plans for the future * go directly to the their website just to make sure all looks legit. —-

Use a well known exchange to purchase crypto I recommend :

  • Binance
  • Binance US ( if in US)
  • Kraken
  • Gemini
  • Coinbase ( make sure it is pro)

I don’t really use anything else and these are well established in the industry.

—— Set an end goal… some people call it “ your moon” but what is your purpose you need an end route out if this.

Finally I hope you become prosperous on your endeavours and if you are a noob to crypto I am more than happy to answer any questions.

Edit: Fixing the bulletpoints

submitted by /u/khordicrypto
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