You have forgotten the face of your father

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

You have forgotten the face of your father

Too many people on this sub have forgotten where we came from. BTC isn't a hyper stock; ITS FUCKING CRYPTO!

It's internet magic money made by a man that by all metrics isn't real

Now people are afraid DOGE is going to bring down the law. FUCK DOGE, FUCK Safemoon and FUCK what ever shitcoin came out 5 seconds ago on the Binance smart chain

BTC's main purpose was to procure drugs on Silk Fucking Road. Now you running scared because Elon tweeted a meme and is risking crypto? The Feds couldn't stop this shit when Mt GOX was run off a laptop

We where down -95%!

And now we are at $50,000.00 with r/WSB jealous of our 10x gains in a week

This isn't a stock or investment or get rich scheme. T.H.I.S I.S C.R.Y.P.T.O

It's hard dirty and fast with 50x gains and -60% dips.

One Coin, Bitconnect and countless others all dead. But we are still here, BTC is pumping hard and will dump harder

HODL because this shit ain't a rocket to the moon. It's a train to hell and back

submitted by /u/GodlordHerus
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