MSI 1060 6G doesn’t hold voltage setting when mining RVN
Using t-rex miner this is what I get
GPU #0: MSI GTX 1060 6GB - 12.03 MH/s, [T:71C, P:139W, F:50%, E:87.2kH/W], 3/3 R:0%
Using MSI afterburner. The "Power limit %" DOES NOT work on this card. Seems to be a known issue. So when I mined ETH I locked the Voltage curve at 925mV and that knocked the power down to 96W. With RVN however, it seems to be running at around 140W, which is full power for this card. Switching back to ETH mining, power drops to 96W. Voltage setting seems to be ignored when switching to kawpow all other things being equal (miner, voltage, mem setting, etc). Tried reapplying while running kawpow and no change.
Before somebody says that RVN (kawpow) uses more of the card and it runs hotter, I have MSI 1070ti in another machine running at 73% power limit (this one works with limiter), and on both ETH and RVN I get the same 129W (which is in fact 73%).
Anybody have any idea why this particular card (MSI 1060) would just ignore Voltage lock when running kawpow? Thank you in advance!
submitted by /u/pooBalls333
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