Has Anyone Noticed A Change In Their Appearance Since They Started With Crypto?
I started investing in crypto about two years ago. After a few weeks of checking the charts, I started to notice that I was paler than usual and some family members commented that I had bags under my eyes. So what, I'm getting older, it happens.
Fast forward a few months and I'm sitting at my desk all day, refreshing coinbase, eating junk food. I start to notice that my hair is receding, my GF leaves me because she is no longer attracted to me, clothes that used to fit me, no longer do. So what, it happens, life goes on.
But in the last few weeks people started to comment that I was developing a hunch back, so I went to the doctor to get it checked out. Doc said it was likely from too much pressure on my back; which is weird because I don't do any manual work. He referred me to a specialist to get checked out. Well yesterday I went to the specialist, and after running some tests and an x-ray he found that I've been carrying around two 500 carat diamonds in my scrotum for the past two years!
submitted by /u/Sweaty-Rope7141
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