KAAAAW, Proof-of-Stake is not the solution.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

KAAAAW, Proof-of-Stake is not the solution.

Anyone who puts so much faith into it does not understand why it will just take advantage of normies.

Premined coins = yes

someone owns the playing ground = yes

you don't own anything = yes

In PoW miners need to work so that they can own something.

In PoS the coins are already mined so what does this mean? You are lending the coins. Then you stake the shit out of it and become the big boss of the network. Oh yea, use the normies to make the big boss even more rich…..Big boss could be someone from the state.

Uh, do not forget that there will be other thirsty whales who want to become the big boss. It is a ponzi among the few rich and normies are just a source of income.

PoS followers think that PoW is inefficient?

Do you they know what really inefficient is?

Relying on the rich who will suck all your money out to become the ultimate landlords.

And yes, Ravencoin is unique: it has the power to unite communities and become the backbone of economy.

If they do not understand how useful tokenization via PoW is then I won't waste my time on them.


Keep your head up folks and stay tuned for updates from Tron, Jeroz etc.

They are working really hard. Cherish their works please.

KAWWWWWW to democracy KAWWWWW. KAAAAAW to open-source!

Let's shed some light on this world.

submitted by /u/Party-Ad-9874
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