PSA: If you see a YouTube or TikTok video telling you to invest in some coin, it’s too late to invest in that coin.
I don't see this spoken often enough so I'll say it myself – two important things you must know:
If the video came out, it's too late to follow in the creator's footsteps
That video about a newly developed, unknown, guaranteed, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles strategy will not bring you money. That person is there for views with which he will make even more money – he sure as hell is not about to give everyone a state of the art technique. Moreover, he probably doesn't even know such a technique but got lucky.
If no video was released and you're in some "elitist" circle you pay a fee to be in, you still won't get the technique
I've seen this a million times. Investors claiming that for $10 per month, they'll give you their Snapchat on which they post "advice" on how to get rich. You must understand that whatever happens, no matter how much you pay them, NOBODY will ever give you their investing strategy.
What you can do, however, is read, read, read, get a better understanding about Crypto, read some more and develop your own knowledge without being biased from people profiting off your back. I should also mention that you shouldn't forget to R E A D.
submitted by /u/BioFrosted
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