In desperate need of help. What happened to LEND!?

Ok, really hoping for some help here. I did a lot of investing in crypto in 2018 and then “went away” for a couple years and now I’m back and trying to figure out what happened to my coins.
I stored my crypto offline and had a Ledger to keep everything safe and then use an app called CoinStats to track my holdings so I didnt need to log into MEW every time I wanted to remind myself what I hold.
Now… on CoinStats I have it recorded that on 4/21/2018 I purchased 980 LEND, which, according to CoinStats is worth 5k now. But I cant find the LEND on my Ledger..? It seems like LEND doesnt even exist?
Whats going on here? Did I miss something while I was gone!? Am I fucked? I kept CoinStats updated religiously so if I wrote that I had 980 LEND than I know I have it. Can someone help? Thank you!
Keep in my that before I went away I was somewhat savvy, but its been 2 years and no technology then so I’m a little slow and trying to relearn everything (if your a scammer, dont even try. I know that sounds like easy pickings but I’m not a moron.) Thanks!!
submitted by /u/2FingersUpPenishole
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