Ethereum’s Biggest Pro is Also One of It’s Biggest Cons

Prior to having watched hours of Youtube videos and reading dozens of articles, I had no idea what Ethereum was. I was fully invested in Bitcoin, however, after taking an immense amount of time to educate myself on Ethereum, I noticed what an amazing creation it is.
This brings me to my point, the biggest pro about Ethereum is that it creates a great solution to an enormous problem with complex solutions including many different vocabularies like DAOs, Dapps, Defi, etc. That being said, the problem with such a complex system and technology is that it is a huge turnoff to people trying to start to understand it. I had to dedicate hours of my time and I still only understand a fraction of what Ethereum is. does provide some teachings however I find it difficult to understand as a student with no programming background.
The point of this post is I really hope they begin to put more effort towards teaching the general public about what Ethereum is really about, instead of being just another altcoin.
submitted by /u/wallstreetdumbass
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