How do you know a Coin, Token or project is worth anything?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

How do you know a Coin, Token or project is worth anything?

No coiner here. Happy to stay poor. Or change my mind.

Are you folk aware of the absurdities creeping into crypto? Where do you draw the line? I mean look at Doge: if that can ‘moon’ to >20 cents and stay there as long as it has, what does that say about all the intellectual and sophisticated projects? What is the point?

What criteria are YOU going to use to say ‘I am investing wisely?’

Saw the AMA on VeChain or VeToken or VeCoin or Ve Thor or whatever it’s called. I’m sure the founders and devs are earnest and mean well. Yet to a critical outsider, I’m sorry, it’s just Hopium. Gobbledegook. IoT, 5G, ‘DeFi. Etc. Only one practical application appealed to me: issuing COVID vaccination ‘passports’ in Malta. Even then, why does this need a blockchain? It’s over engineering, or what am I missing.

You folk here need to avoid the echo chamber effect. You need to be able to absorb challenge.

Right now, crypto seems to me to be getting crazier and more unhinged every day. Yes, there is limited adoption of Bitcoin in particular, but there is an exponential explosion of sheer garbage.

Explain to me how this is not worrying.

submitted by /u/Bellweirboy
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