Was hodling BTC till I could pay off the mortgage… now I dont want to pay it off…

First time posting here, be gentle
So I have been in since ~2014, Cost Price Averaging monthly since then.
Some months I missed due to real life, some I bought more when it was crashing
I had held through the crashes, traded some others on the side and keep about 40% of my fun pot in random cryptos (Ethereum, Litecoin, Cosmos, Tezos, Ankr, Celo, Origin, Enjin, Siacoin, Tron, Orchin).
I started by saying I would sell when it was enough to pay off my Mortgage, which seemed crazy, then when I got close I decided to keep it till selling half would pay off my mortgage (never sell it all)
I passed that in March… and I cant sell, im paying 1.79% on my mortgage, I cant even calculate what Im earning in crypo in the same time, surely prudence says clear it but I cant!
(edit)Frustratingly im getting a 50:50 split here! I think I may have asked alcoholics if I should have a drink!
(edit x2) The bots started sliding into my DM's as soon as the post hit 25 upvotes, classic Reddit cryptoland
submitted by /u/kahnindustries
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