Mark Cuban did more of a disservice to crypto on Ellen than a service when he recommended using Robinhood.

Some people might say that it was great that he was on Ellen promoting crypto currency. However he suggested that people go on Robinhood and buy dogecoin. He said that it was a better investement than buying a lottery ticket and at worst if it doesnt go up, you can use it to buy things on his webstore. But he was dishonest, no one can transfer doge anywhere when their doge was bought on Robinhood.
It's kind of a dishonest thing to do, point people to Robinhood where you dont own the keys. No one in crypto should be telling people bad habits to start off with when getting into crypto for the 1st time. He should have directed them to an exchange where you can withdraw. He wasn't helping crypto out by going on Ellen and promoting Robinhood. I mean was he getting paid to do that ? Because its the absolute worst place to get started in crypto.
edit: He is crippling the adoption with suggestion robinhood because they only thing people can do is to sell it. They cant send to freinds, they cant tip people on reddit. they cant explore self custody wallets. They can't withdraw. Basically they are not really interacting with the ecosystem at all.
submitted by /u/anonbitcoinperson
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