What incentive do miners have to include transactions in blocks post EIP 1559?

I was wondering if maybe I'm understanding wrong but currently the system in place is that miners will include transactions based on gas price because they get incentivized from it (tx fees).
After EIP 1559, these fees are burned. As a miner, what incentive is there to even include transactions that have no tip? Other than MEV and transactions with tips, I don't see how miners are incentivized at all to include transactions.
Sparkpool is currently making money off of their empty blocks. You can see here for example, how they use the empty blocks to mint Chi Tokens on the blockchain, and still make lots of money.
What's stopping all miners from not including tipless transactions and just pursuing their own incentives such as Chi Token minting instead?
I could be missing something, so I'm open to any discussion.
submitted by /u/excitius
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