We’re recovering from the dip in less than a week!

I hope for anyone that panicked during this dip can see that it's always best to hold and ride it out.
The beauty of crypto is in it's volatility as well as it's huge forward momentum.
If the stock market crashed the same way crypto did with a lot of coins dropping 25% or more, I bet it would take a lot longer to recover and there would be more widespread media surrounding it as well as mass FUD.
Hopefully some of you managed to buy the dip (I couldn't :'() and are sitting on nice profits now!
TL:DR: Crypto is volatile but has a tendency to recover from any dips very quickly, people need to try focusing on long term gains.
EDIT: Thanks everyone who has participated in the discussion and everyone who has upvoted and/or awarded. I know 100 upvotes isn't a lot to some, but it's the most I've ever had, I feel if I got to 1000 I'd have to craft a teary Oscar speech
submitted by /u/jiantjingerjickhead
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