Unpopular opinion: people in here are as greedy as the banks they hate

Look, I love crypto. I love the idea of a decentralized financial system. I can see what is wrong with banks. But people here are spitting on banks and other financial institutions because they are these huge greedy monsters that only want to take everybody's money.
At the same time everyone is jumping into every single fucking scam-, pump- or memecoin hoping they can make thousands of dollars in a day. Some even say scams are not a problem because "yes they are scams but if you get out in time you can still make profit". Crypto is a zero-sum game: every single dollar you potentially gain, is lost by someone else.
It's ridiculous and hypocrite how some people here don't even realize they are showing the exact greedy behaviour they are accusing the banks of, at the cost of others.
EDIT: To be clear, I'm not a saint. Obviously I'm also here for the money like everyone else. But my point isn't so much judging greed, it's judging hypocrisy. It is about being a hypocrit when you judge banks for taking peoples money without caring that they get fucked, while at the same time massively pumping and supporting scams just to take peoples money without caring that they get fucked.
submitted by /u/Disappointless
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