Given the recent court ruling demanding that removes Bitcoin’s original white paper on the grounds of Craig Wright having filed a copyright claim on it, I feel the need to iterate that Craig Wright IS NOT Satoshi Nakamoto!

One cannot say for certain who Satoshi Nakamoto is, but you can be quite certain that it's not Craig Wright.
Why you ask? Simple. If the real Satoshi Nakamoto wanted to reveal himself (which he apparently don't), he wouldn't have spent years playing every dirty trick in the book to try and convince people of who he is. Not only have Craig Wright not been able to cryptographically prove that he is SN, but he has been caught both lying publicly and faking documents to try and prove he is SN.
Craig Wright (Bitcoin SV) is trying to do the same thing that Roger Ver (Bitcoin Cash) has been trying to do for years, which is to try and convince people that his BSV is the Bitcoin that was originally visioned by Satoshi Nakamoto. This is of course total BS, as SN chose to make Bitcoin and not Bitcoin Cash / SV. The only real difference between Wright and Ver is that Wright took it one step further by sowing doubts into people's minds by trying to provide answers to the mystification of the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, with the intent of splitting the crypto community so that him and his team could steal market shares from Bitcoin.
This is a man who will lie, cheat and bully with no sense of shame, all for the sake of money. He is a dispicable man who is filled with greed and a lust for power, and it is up to all of us who knows what kind of a POS he is to warn newcomers in the crypto space so that they don't fall prey to his shenanigans.
submitted by /u/TheVintageMeme
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