So I Unforunately found PROOF that Serial Downvoters are Actually a Thing on r/CryptoCurrency and it`s Sad to see. (But We as a Community can Counter them!)

So I kept hearing about people called Serial Downvoters but didn`t take it to seriously. Im usually on reddit on my mobile phone, but when I was browsing r/CryptoCurrency on my laptop, I noticed u could see the % upvotes on a post.
As I was a little bored at the moment of writing this post, I thought 'Well lets see if Serial Downvoters are actually a thing'. And guess what, they seem to be…
From the subreddits mentioned below (see the table) I took the average percentage upvotes of the top 10 posts on 23-4-2021. I first compared r/CryptoCurrency to other crypto-related subreddits, as the content is mostly the same. I found the percentages of upvotes on other crypto-subreddits to be way higher.
Then I thought 'Well thats not really fair, because our community has moons'. So I also compared us against r/FortNiteBR and r/ethereum. Unfortunately, I found the same results.
The percentage of people downvoting in our community is significantly higher than in other crypto/community points driven subreddits. The downvote rate is on average 4 times higher!
(Keep it mind that these numbers are made with posts that have already reached hot, the % downvotes on posts in fresh is much much higher!)
Don`t get me wrong, this is not a whine post targeted at the Mods that they should remove downvotes or whatever. The Mods are doing a great job. This post is targeted at the community.
I fear that many really well written and informative posts never make it out of fresh because of these groups of downvoters. I want to ask everyone who takes the time to read a post and finds it either helpfull, informative or just a good post in general, to NOT FORGET TO UPVOTE it! And counter what the downvoters are doing.
Help those well written and informative posts get out of fresh, so many more people who might enjoy and be helped by them get to see the posts in rising or even hot. Oww and to the people downvoting everything to 'get more moons', u guys are pathetic.
Subreddit | Average upvotes | Each 100 votes consist of |
r/CryptoCurrency | 88 % | 12 Downvotes |
r/Vechain | 98 % | 2 Downvotes |
r/cardano | 97 % | 3 Downvotes |
r/dogecoin | 96 % | 4 Downvotes |
r/FortNiteBR | 98 % | 2 Downvotes |
r/ethereum | 96 % | 4 Downvotes |
EDIT 1: I would like to ask everyone to read the ENTIRE post before commenting. I see a lot of comments saying the downvotes are because of horrible advice/shitcoins/dogecoin/self storys, but the % are based on posts from hot, not those 'shit' posts. Just go to any given post that is a guide for beginners, very well written and full of info and check the average % of downvotes.
EDIT 2: I also see alot of comments saying it is because we are a much broader subreddit than coin specific subreddits. I agree on this point and definetly get what you are saying, but have you ever posted something? Sometimes I post something that takes at least 5 minutes to read and im at – 5 votes within 5 seconds of posting it. Either they read really fast, or they are just scrolling fresh and downvote whatever is posted. And again I ask you to check the % on very informative posts made by the community for the community, just see for yourself.
submitted by /u/Username-Not-A-Bot
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