The fact that my quality shitpost got 600% more comments than upvotes goes to show how moons affect this subs content.

My recent shitpost guide had 600% more comments (positive comments) than upvotes, which is strange. I’m going to psychoanalyze this.
People are a bit greedy. This is inherent in probably mostly everyone. It’s ok. I am going to surmise that people assume subconsciously there are a limited amount of moons to be given and so they are more likely to comment (receive) than upvote (give).
I remember a post here talking about how moons are kind of ruining the quality of content on the sub. I lean toward the agree side of this argument, as nowadays all I see is regurgitated stuff or echo chamber emotional posts that garner thousands of dollars worth of moons.
To say that most posts are not posted with monetary influence in mind now is a lie.. and this will have a ripple effect if more subreddits decide to implement this.
submitted by /u/RootlessBoots
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