Yes, you deserve to get made fun of on Dips if you’re an asshole about Crypto to your Coworkers

Some people here have some issues socially when it comes to Crypto and can't understand why Coworkers and people take the opportunity to make fun of them when Crypto dips. They don't hate Bitcoin, they hate you. If you take every opportunity to tell them all their fiat is worthless, or try and constantly shill them with new coins, you're annoying. Not everyone wants to invest in the future, some people want to just enjoy regular hobbies, and while you can be enthusiastic about something, don't constantly try and force it onto them.
If they ignored Bitcoin at first, then you came back to brag to them, you're an asshole. Some people here are so incredibly petty and will constantly brag when Crypto is up, so expect them to return the favor when its down. I can't believe how socially inept some of the people here are. Don't constantly brag, and find other hobbies so you can talk to people about something else rather than trying to get them to invest. If I pitched startup ideas everyday I'd be annoying as fuck, some of them may be good and make lots of money, but people will never understand that if I am just a condescending asshole about it.
submitted by /u/SuggestedName90
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