Pro tip for beginners: keep track of ALL your transactions

You might think you’ll remember what you bought X coin for yesterday. After all, it’s one of your first crypto moves! How could you forget?!
You. Will. Forget.
And and will lose track of what you have, what you bought it for and when you bought it. Even swaps and conversions; yes you are not buying or selling but it’s still important to keep track of everything.
Don’t be a fool like me who didn’t track most things in the first month.
At bear minimum use a portfolio tracker like Blockfolio. There are tons so find one that you like and start logging everything you do. For convenience, some trackers allow you to sync accounts for automatic tracking. Blockfolio allows this for Binance, among others.
At best log everything in your own excel sheet. Yes it’s annoying and cumbersome, especially if you aren’t familiar with excel. But it’s 100% worth it, and you’ll learn some basic excel to boot!
Keep track of you doings and goings in this market. You’ll thank yourself later for the lack of oversight you managed to avoid.
submitted by /u/whatiwritestays
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