IMPORTANT for all EU citizens! It is time to come together. Since today, you can DIRECTLY influence the future of the European Union and have a voice on cryptocurrency and blockchain regulations. This actually a big deal and has been two years in the making. Please read this post.
The Conference on the Future of Europe has started! EU citizens can now officially propose ideas and voice their opinions on regulations, including on cryptocurrency and blockchain.
What is the Conference on the Future of Europe?
The Conference on the Future of Europe is a unique and timely opportunity for European citizens to debate on Europe’s challenges and priorities. No matter where you are from or what you do, this is the place to think about what future you want for the European Union.
The European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission have committed to listen to Europeans and to follow up, within their sphere of competences, on the recommendations made.
European citizens, from all walks of life and corners of the Union, with young people playing a central role in shaping the future of the European project.
How to propose ideas?
You can propose ideas, discuss ideas and support ideas on the online platform (in our case: ideas about cryptocurrency and blockchain):
If you start a discussion on cryptocurrency or blockchain, post it here:
- Digital Transformation Category:
- A Stronger Economy, Social Justice and Jobs Category:
You can post ideas yourself or support ideas being posted by other EU citizens.
We, as a community, must come together to discuss and push for cryptocurrency and blockchain friendly ideas and regulations. This is a unique opportunity for us all. Since the Conference on the Future of Europe has just started (no one has mentioned cryptocurrency yet) we can set the agenda for the coming months. We would be the first community to get involved. Our ideas will be heard by the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission if they gather enough support.
I am calling upon the community, developers, mods and crypto projects to get involved and spread the word.
submitted by /u/BelgianPolitics
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