If you’ve bought crypto and you plan to HODL, you should understand that the first 6 months is the hardest.

I've been in the Cryptocurrency scene since the bull run of 2017. Started off with a modest buy in and HODLed through the peak of the bullrun. I was tempted to sell at 20k, but my expectations for gains made me miss the peak and then it crashed to 4k.
Since I invested only an amount I could afford to lose, I learnt to let go and forget about it. I focused on my life for the next 3 years and just kept my coins safely.
It wasn't until this bullrun that I came back into the scene. With gains of almost 800%.
The lesson: Invest the amount you can afford to lose and learn to ride it out. The first 6 months will occupy your mental energy in cryptocurrency and you will change your mood at the whim of the market. Don't make cryptocurrency your whole life.
submitted by /u/ultron290196
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