Being rude to newbies don’t make you smart, it only makes you an assh*le

Anyone who invests in crypto, whether an old holder or a day treader, has a vested interest in the democratization of crypto.
This implies that every day there will be new converts who will need to learn, who will have questions answered a thousand times, who will make mistakes a thousand times made etc.
To treat with condescension, with rudeness, with that stinking humor of "sir I know everything" is not a sign of intelligence: you are just a worthless human unable to rejoice that another human is entering a field that you master.
That you are bitter, it's sad and pathetic, but at the limit we can understand: in this case keep malicious comments for you. If what you said isn't going to help anyone, stay silent.
Here it was a little rant because I'm tired of seeing "old crypto investors" allowing themselves toxic comments that do nothing good to anyone, with the sole aim of satisfying their twisted egos online.
And welcome to all NEWBIES : D
submitted by /u/NaiwennFr
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