There are more posts complaining about the “don’t panic” posts than there are “don’t panic” posts.

We get it: you got rekt and you're not sure how you're gonna pay mom and dad the $150 rent for the basement. You might actually have to eat dinner with them instead of getting the skip guy to pass you soggy tendies through the window. Even your ramen supplies are low. You're panicking, and the last thing you need is a bunch of moon bois telling you not to panic.
So here you are, farming moons in a last ditch attempt to save yourself from ever having to leave the basement and interacting with a real human being again (minus your close confidant the skip guy), with a semi meta, overused post going after those who are telling you not to do exactly what you are doing.
So here I am, farming moons in a last ditch attempt to save myself from ever having to leave the basement, with a half-baked meta squared post complaining about those who are complaining about those who are telling us not to panic.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, buy high, sell low, and don't ever stop complaining.
submitted by /u/camt89
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