Every time the market dips, the sub gets flooded with post telling not to panic. We got it. Now, please, stop.

As title, we got it. It's counterproductive to keep posting "hodl", "don't panic", "this is normal", "i've been through bear market, you've seen nothing", "fuckin' breathe".
I'm not saying to ignore it, surely a lot was worried and newbies needed to be reassured, but spamming about it will only get them more paranoid. In addition, a few hours after the dip started, a few posts already explained pretty well what might have caused this dip.
Oh yeah, and as always, the number of people saying this is 10 times the number of those panicking.
I'd say we had enough and can continue hodling.
Sorry for the rant, i'm nervous today and it was annoying af. Seems like this time was on me to follow the tradition of complaining about this on the dips.
Edit: typo
Edit edit: since someone didn't get my message, just wanted to specify again that i'm not saying we should avoid at all these posts. Just do not spam them, we're not brainwashing the newcomers
submitted by /u/Jaarloso
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