Brave/BAT is quite possibly the most under represented crypto company/token

I know everyone says this about "mycoin™" but Brave actually has the stats to back it up and its not just conjecture.
Currently Brave is sitting at about 30m monthly users and growing extremely rapidly. Nearly 1.15m content creators are verified, and some of the largest advertisers in the world are advertising on brave and seeing results that are much better than industry standard.
Despite all of this the media and crypto communities still haven't really picked up on this yet in my opinion. To give an idea of how many users brave has, by comparison coinbase has roughly 56m registered users and 6.1m monthly active users. Brave is also several months away from reaching profitability which I don't think has been done by a single company who has run an ICO to my knowledge
I say all of this because I find it extremely weird how under the radar a company of this size is. They just keep growing at an extreme rate and nobody has really seemed to notice or say anything about it. These are real numbers backing up the company and not just fluff metrics or crypto hopium either. I feel like its getting too big to ignore at this point and a tipping point is close, but I find it extremely odd at how its basically the elephant in the room nobody seems to acknowledge. Does anyone else feel this way also?
submitted by /u/onestrokeimdone
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