Anti-coin neighbor gleefully asked me what I was going to do now that I “lost my life savings in last nights crash”

I get on ok with a neighbor and we talk investing and retirement at times. He’s a good decade older. He is a good neighbor but definitely has a chip on his shoulder that I can afford to live next to him at my age with where home prices have gotten here.
I don’t know who he’s getting his info from but he is rabidly anti-crypto. Thinks it’s all some Ponzi scheme. We’ve politely (usually) argued about crypto versus stocks.
He tells me all the time that I’m risking my house and kids future with coins.
Mowing the lawn this morning I bump into him and before the mowers are even off he’s gleefully asking how much financial trouble I’m in now that “crypto is crashed” after last night.
I normally think comparing wallets is crass, but just the attitude on him. I couldn’t help it. So I pulled out the phone and opened my crypto portfolio tracking ap.
I started by showing him the 24 hour view. He laughed.
So then I showed him the view for the last month and then the last year.
He was not happy. Insisted “that should just show you that you could lose everything any moment!”
Ah well, at this rate I won’t be living next to him for much longer.
submitted by /u/DeMiko
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