A message to those who are worried

This is just a message to those who are new to crypto.
Don’t panic.
A lot of newbies think it’s like the stock market. It’s not. Crypto is very volatile.
Many of us have been in since 2017 and before. We have seen our portfolios go from +500% all the way to having just 10% of our original money we put in.
If you choose coins which you believe in, and you believe they will be around in 5-10 years, don’t panic. Just believe in what you purchase.
Dips come, corrections happen, but bull markets also come.
So if your panicking or freaking out, take a step back and take a deep breath away from crypto for the day.
Have a look tomorrow or in a few days, and see where you are. Ride it out if you believe in what you have invested in.
Safe investing and trading to everyone.
submitted by /u/delvo14827
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