Stop with the PAPER HANDS bullshit – don’t discourage people from taking profits

The only thing what I don't understand about this whole paper hands mentality… You "want" crypto to redistribute the wealth around the world. Just think about how big portion of the population lives from around 1-5$ a day. Crypto is available for most and these people if they are lucky are able to access it. Now for them current ETH surge is the biggest opportunity of their lives to have wealth, maybe pay something for their parents, we don't know their situation.
Crypto is not only for USA, CANADA, SWEDEN, GERMANY etc people, who are using it as a hobby to "lambo" and whatnot. The whole purpose of this movement is to equally distribute wealth as much as possible and help people being screwed over the current financial system backed up by greedy billionaires, dictators, bank etc…
No one has paper hands. Everyone has the rights to take profit and they are right to do so. Even if you believe that FIAT will be obsolete eventually, the development pace is not the same around the whole world. Maybe in the West we will be able to pay with crypto in 5 years, in South America it can be 15-20 years away. Just look at Turkey right now…
submitted by /u/gulasch_man
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