Soon, all this new Meme Coin money will recirculate into other Cryptos. Ride the wave!

For those, complaining about Doge Coin and "shit coins" harming the market, you shouldnt be. This is the entry into Cryptocurrency for millions of SpaceX fanboys and Twitterverse gossip queens. Eventually, the Billions (yes BILLIONS) made from Doge Coin will be transferred into other coins, as the people who made gainz will be looking for the next way to make more gainz.
Now is the time! Jump on this hype train and get everyone you know involved! The Meme aspect of Doge Coin has normies willing to invest $5 for a laugh (money they can afford to lose, so no risk), and after that we will have the hooked! Go forth Crypto-Minions, and catch us some new fish! Now is the time!
submitted by /u/SolorMining
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