Pursuing Blockchain Development As A Career

Hey everybody.
Long story short, I am just about to finish my masters in resource and environmental economics and was going to continue on to do a PhD later this year. But since I have gotten into crypto just for my own personal finances, I have become more enthralled with the idea of switching gears and going back to school to reconfigure myself towards doing computer science or software engineering. Not only do I love programming, but I love crypto, so it seems like something worth considering.
So I'd be curious to here from any people who work with Ethereum as a technology if they would recommend software engineering or computer science to do this. I would also consider teaching myself, because I find it easy, but I am just playing around with the idea currently. I dunno, what do you guys think for those who have experience actually developing on Ethereum?
submitted by /u/FondleMyFirn
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