This Reddit thread about Bitcoin crashing from 30$ to 22$ nine years ago is nothing short of amazing
I stumbled upon this 9 year old thread and wanted to share it with you because it's an amazing piece of history. Some of the comments look like something you would see on threads today.
Here are some of my favorite ones:
" I'm mostly kicking myself for not buying in when I first heard about Bitcoin 4 months ago when they were going for $1.. "
And here we are complaining about not getting in at 3000$.
" I've invested several tens of thousands USD in this to have a better life later on. "
I wonder how many Lambos this guy owns now.
"panic selling is a bad idea, this is the first real test though. "
You said it, bro. If you only knew how many more test were about to come.
" its crashing SELL SELL SELL "
This was posted by u/deleted, no wonder.
" how do you hold your coins? do you keep them in your mtgox account? "
Sweet child of mine.
submitted by /u/mirza1h
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