My Ethereum Story – Total Luck

I am a manufacturing guy…owned a small company making plastic parts, basically widgets. I had to move out of a space in 2017 quickly and needed to sublet. I get a call from a guy who says he needs crazy power, which I had because the plastic processing machines require it. He takes a look at the space and the power and says he will sublet, but he wants to pay in digital coins. I had no idea what crypto was and this guy is explaining to me that they are the future of the world. He wouldn't pay me in Bitcoin because he felt they were too valuable, but he offered Ethereum and threw in some mining for me, since he was setting up a mining operation. I don't know what made me believe this guy, but I said ok. I'd like to say I did a bunch of homework, that I got into it for the tech. The truth is I was completely ignorant and needed a tenant to cover my rent.
submitted by /u/pseudonym_pen_name
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