Eth gone after a failed swap

Hi guys, i need your help. Yesterday evening i tried to swap my ETH for RAD in my Metamask. After i did the transaction i didnt checked my computer till the next morning being suprised to see that my swap was dropped and replaced. I canceled the swap and paid a fee for it all good so far. But now it states that the cancelation of the swap was succesfuill but i have not received my eth or my RAD and just lost close to a $1000 dollars of eth. Can anyone help me out i am new to this and a $1000 lose to a technical error hits my portfolio really hard.
The link to the etherscan of the transaction:
the link to the etherscan of the cancelation:
Please tell me what i did wrong and how i can fix it.
submitted by /u/Embarrassed_Ad_9497
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