Question about NFT contract types and minting fees

Hi, I'm putting the question here because it is kind of hard to get a definite answer in the NFT community.
If you look at the minting prices on a popular NFT market
you will find that the price of minting ERC-721 is consistently significantly higher than ERC-1155.
I find this puzzling since – according to my understanding – the properties of ERC-1155 is a superset the ERC-721 , allowing more control over the tokens (selling multiple copies of them). So what explains the higher price. What is the advantage in minting ERC-721?
The only reason I can think of that ERC-721, being an older type of contract is in some way better supported in the Ethereum ecosystem, is that it? Thanks in advance for elucidating. I'm not a total stranger to crypto, but I haven't kept up with the latest developments.
submitted by /u/turntable_server
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