Please stop upvoting Brazilian sob stories

There are trends that catch up like fire here. There's the "X coin ATH", which I think is a completely useless kind of post. Little effort, insighless. As if most, if not all, of the users of this sub were not already checking quotations. But another trend that I have noticed recently are sob stories. Those sob stories created by allegedly Brazilians. Yes, I live in Brazil and this is a shitty country. We have a president intent on opening street stores and all businesses regardless of the pandemic death rate, and it would alright if he had acquired vaccines in 2020 (he snubbed the offers instead). Yes, the closures have created an enormous economic crisis, and millions of families now face starvation. But I didn't know this were a sub where people can pan handle. If a Brazilian knows English and has money in crypto, they are part of the (Brazilian) 1%. Stop rewarding con artists. They'll just tell each other and come here for more
submitted by /u/ediblepet
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