Japan crypto exchange bitbank AUM reach 289.8 billion yen

CryptoNinjas » Japan crypto exchange bitbank AUM reach 289.8 billion yen
bitbank, a Japan-based bitcoin/crypto exchange, announced that its assets under custody for the first time exceeded 250 billion yen from April 6th. And current assets under custody now reach 289.8 billion yen ($2.66B USD) as of April 11th.
“Our assets under custody increased significantly due to the rise in prices of crypto assets such as bitcoin at the end of last year. At the same time, the share of physical trading volume in Japan has also increased and the share of crypto assets (altcoin) other than bitcoin is 55%, which is the top share in the industry.”
– The bitbank Team
CryptoNinjas » Japan crypto exchange bitbank AUM reach 289.8 billion yen