Crypto will change my life and of many people of my country

To start, i live in Brazil, you may know about the history of a Brazilian that gains more in MOONs than a minimum wage, and this guy is not lying, here the minimum wage is R$1.040, wich is less than $200 per month, and here in Brazil we pay HUGE taxes, more than 50% of the wage of my father goes to taxes, and the economy is very regulated, here crony capitalism is strong, in a lot of markets, your company can only survive, if you have some "friends" in the government, and despite paying a lot of taxes, the public services are just trash because of corrupt politicians, believe me, nobody of you would support taxes and regulation, if you lived here, that's why i hate taxes and regulation.
The first influencer to talk abou Bitcoin here, was Daniel Fraga, he is a libertarian (like me), and he was promoting Bitcoin in 2012-2014, he was always fighting against corrupt politicians, there was a point, that he was exposing a corrupt judge, and the judge just sent cops to the Daniel Fraga's house, but he didn't ran away, until in 2014, that the government sent the Federal Police and gave a lame excuse to the public (that he was "slandering politicians"), they frozed his bank account, and there was R$20 ($7 at the time, Brazilian currency has lost a lot of value), he just has gone to another country, and until today, nobody knows where he is, but he is alive, his Bitcoin wallet still active, and he bought more than 400 Bitcoins in 2012, and he is HODLING most of them today, so he is a multi milionarie.
So i see in decentralized crypto, a chance of having freedom, so politicians won't steal 50% of all wealth that i produce, and i'm so happy that this is possible, yes, making 1000% profits can be good, but freedom has no price, so if you ask, what is my personal moon, that is paying 0% taxes.
Edit: thanks for the cheers.
Also some people are getting confused about the 50% that i said, there is a explanation:
My father earns about 2,5 minimum wages, R$2.600 or less than $500, and he pays income tax, that is about 20%.
The 50% i said, is including all direct taxes, here a list of some:
You need to pay taxes every year to use your car, it is called IPVA, is about 2% of the price of the car, my father pays abous R$900 every year on this, + documentation.
The taxes on eletricity are heavy, the price should be R$0,50 per KWh, but with taxes the price increase to R$1,00 per KWh, basically 50%
Even taxes on food are big, on the food you pay 22.5% on taxes, wich is way higher than the 6% that most countries have.
And the list jus goes on, and i reached to the 50% i said, of direct taxes, if i were to include indirect taxes, that number would be even higher.
submitted by /u/Nerd_mister
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