Celsius just got a data breach, emails and phone numbers of its members got leaked. If you received and email or a text regarding the launch of a new Web Wallet, please, do not open it!

It happened. Hundreds of users are reporting they received either an email or a text message regarding a new launch – obviously it is a scam! Celsius acknowledged the problem on Twitter and we are now waiting for more infos. Funds are safe at the moment, but the data leak is inevitable now, especially the phone numbers sucks (happened to me…).
Kinda sad, I guess it’s part of the risk… (I would add photos, but automod would block me)
UPDATE: the scam address has now over $220K of value from scams… Address: 0x3810B8FA44C368b9fCe7308700649dB2B9350490
submitted by /u/Sandrokz
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