Overview of EIP-3198: BASE FEE opcode with Ratan Rai Sur

EIP-3198: BASE FEE opcode is the first proposal along with EIP-1559 in Aleut testnet. Learn more about the EIP-3198: BASE FEE opcode with Ratan Rai Sur in PEEPanEIP and follow interesting conversation including motivation & use cases, how is BASE FEE opcode more precise than the gas token, why did 1559 introduce the BASE FEE, and most importantly why burn the BASE FEE with 1559 transactions?
- EIP – https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3198
- Discussion – https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/eip-3198-basefeeopcode/5162
- Overview of EIP-1559 with Tim Beiko – https://youtu.be/ZbSKo_x9RvU
#ethereum #eip #Aleut #London #upgrade
submitted by /u/poojaranjan19
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