So im trying to stake on Rocketpool and I need Goerli Eth?

So im new to the staking scene, I just pulled my Eth off Coinbase like 2 days ago and moved onto a hardware wallet. Trezor, if it matters. Im trying to stake on Rocketpool and it seems I need Goerli Eth. Now is there that like 80 dollar gas fee just to move from my wallet to the testnet? Ive seen I can use a "faucet" which im not too familiar with but, it was for using Facebook and Twitter and Funfact, I literally deactivated my FB account today. (seriously that place is dog shit).
Anyway if theres a thread thatll someone can send me too so I can be on my way, that'd be great.
Have a great day 🙂
submitted by /u/HallofLogos
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