Just an idea Does anyone want to start a marketing group to push Ravencoin, We could first start by getting ideas together of what aspects we wish to push and what way, This could be on social media etc. The put it to the community and see how they want to do it and if they want to fund it some how?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Just an idea Does anyone want to start a marketing group to push Ravencoin, We could first start by getting ideas together of what aspects we wish to push and what way, This could be on social media etc. The put it to the community and see how they want to do it and if they want to fund it some how?

Just an idea Does anyone want to start a marketing group to push Ravencoin, We could first start by getting ideas together of what aspects we wish to push and what way, This could be on social media etc. The put it to the community and see how they want to do it and if they want to fund it some how? submitted by /u/Fabulous_Bar1005
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