Is it not fucked up a centralized coin ran by a service that actively ignores it’s users is number 3 and still going parabolic?

BinanceDOTus is going 3 months or longer without replying to support requests that aren’t user error.
DOTcom deleted all of their old support tickets and moved them to a que system, which was offering wait times of 48 hours and disconnecting chat if you didn’t reply in 15 seconds.
I used the Smart Chain to experience DeFi for pennies, as I think it is the best on boarding experience for people trying it out with small amounts ($20), but I couldn’t even buy the coin through their services because I’m locked out for no reason.
I know many in this space are just into crypto as profit widgets essentially, but the fact a project so directly against the main premises of crypto as a whole is the one shining is proof to me the profit-only seeking mainstream is hopping on board
submitted by /u/AvocadosAreMeh
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