It fills me with joy that Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, one of the biggest names in crypto, is heavily active on Reddit and posts almost everyday!

He goes by u/vbuterin. I spent the last couple of hours going through his post history and holy shit it is a goldmine filled with a lot of interesting stuff. There’s even posts all the way back from the early Bitcoin days. I would’ve never imagined I’d be reading a billionaires hilarious quality shitposts from over 8 years ago. Reddit is pretty awesome that way.
I also highly recommend his blog, there’s some pretty cool stuff on there too, even though a lot of it goes over my head (am a smoothbrain). One of the recent articles really spoke to me- “The Most Important Scarce Resource is Legitimacy”- something I feel the larger crypto community really needs to hear and understand right now.
Anyways I saw his profile mentioned on a another post and it really took me by surprise and just wanted to share it as I found it super cool. It’s pretty amazing to see him so engaged with the community. Makes me smile as a ETH fan and hodler. Thanks u/vbuterin for everything you’ve given us and for helping decentralize the world.
submitted by /u/dragondude4
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