Let’s Play Devils Advocate And List The Reasons That You Believe Each Coin Is Overhyped/Priced

The best way to find great investments is to start with the belief that the investment is doomed, then try to find the reasons proving that statement wrong. It's however very easy to get caught up in a hype chamber and go in with the wrong mindset, even if the investment is sound. For example on the last daily discussion one of the top comments was "buy coin x" with the only reason being "i'll change the world"
- Top level comments are the names of coins (I will start with a few but please add more)
- Comments under the top levels are the devils advocate, commenting on the problems with the coin/concept and why it may be overpriced
- The most valid criticisms should be upvoted even if you disagree with them
- Replies to those comments may be rebuttals and counterpoints again advocating for the coin
Hopefully we can gain a more nuanced understanding of each assets pros and cons, maybe even solidifying our optimism now that we've understood the possible downsides
submitted by /u/jetmax25
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