JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon calling for more crypto regulation is hypocrisy at its finest.

This Decrypt article reports that Dimon said in a shareholder letter that clear-cut regulation regarding crypto and fintech "shadow banks" is needed more than ever before.
This is the CEO of the same bank that spends millions of dollars every year lobbying against financial regulation on THEMSELVES. Specifically, the bills the bank historically lobbied about most often involved loosening the regulations Congress tried to place on the financial instruments called “derivatives” that were at the heart of the last financial crisis. Dimon himself has said 'Regulation, bureaucracy, and stupidity' are what's wrong with America.
tl;dr – Corrupt crony corporate boomer wants to regulate crypto which gives power to the masses. The big banksters are afraid. They’re losing because of their past greed and corruption. Crypto will render them useless forever.
submitted by /u/dragondude4
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