I created a tool to filter Ethereum for event logs such as ‘Transfers’ of any contract and store them in .csv format

Hi community,
let me share my most recent project with you:
The ethereum-datahub was created to allow anyone to scrape contract data and store it in convenient .csv (and .pickle) format. Using Etherscan's public API the tool loops over each block and extracts the relevant event logs.
No matter if you're an budding data scientist looking to practice on exciting data, a student looking for a topic for his/her thesis or a researcher feeling more used to .csv-format data than to nodes, rpc calls and all the other blockchain stuff – feel free to use my scripts, fork them and give me feedback!
Ethereum data is free from measurement error, missing data or any other pain that data scientists can imagine, but is still rarely used for quantitative research – check it out.
Link to my Github repo where you'll find a "how to use it" guide, examples, demos and, of course the code: https://github.com/Nerolation/ethereum-datafarm
Open Source, everything.
submitted by /u/Nerolation
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