Crypto finally stopped me living from paycheck to paycheck

I know not much of you guys care as I’m just a stranger over the internet but I just really wanted someone to vent this to as I don’t have many people I can talk about this in irl with! I hope this is the right sub for this
Being only 20’s years old and working full time since 15 while I have been fully supporting myself since 17, I thought my future looked grim. It took me almost a whole year to have a savings of $1,000 back in 2018.
The concept of owning land or buying a DECENT car that’s more than 2k was unimaginable. I had no idea how I was ever going to not always struggle with money. After a huge move across country with my partner we found slightly better jobs but still lacked any real financial freedom. Covid made things even more difficult and i lost my old job and was unemployed for months. My partner who has been throughly invested in crypto. Got me and him to start investing seriously just this winter. Using every spare penny and time to do research and invest effectively between working full time.
We managed just in these last few months from winter to spring to be amazed by having 1-2k in savings together to having over 50k saved together! I don’t care what anyone says but this is a life changing amount of money for us in such a short amount of time!
Crypto has finally gave us the ability to have financial breathing room and lifted us out of financial stress. My whole life has changed within months.
Even though we won’t be touching the savings for years! Crypto has actually given me a future that looks brighter besides working myself to death till I’m 60. We even have enough money now to have a savings that can grow and accumulate on its own.
I am forever thankful for crypto currency.
submitted by /u/rot_flower
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