The single most important feature of crypto is that it is peer to peer. Don’t forget that.
Whether you like Bitcoin or hate Bitcoin, whether you like Eth or hate Eth, whether you like Nano or hate Nano, or any other cryptocurrency for that matter, they all share one of the most amazing features of a currency. They are all peer to peer.
No government can stop your transaction. No government can seize your wealth. No government can inflate your currency of choice.
They are all global and borderless. If you travel a lot, customs officials/border patrol ask you if you are traveling with more than 10,000 dollars in cash. With crypto it can be on your phone, or written down on a piece of paper. Eventually atms will span world wide and maybe cryptos become accepted world wide, giving you the ability to cash out or spend anywhere. For once the government will not have any part of your money supply. This is a revolution and you are early to the party, congratulations everyone and let's all cheer for crypto to succeed!
submitted by /u/Hc6612
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