Should we be concerned that 40% of all RVN coin are held in 1 wallet address?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Should we be concerned that 40% of all RVN coin are held in 1 wallet address?

Should we be concerned that 40% of all RVN coin are held in 1 wallet address? RQuitt1kViGLqPs6JWtxKPTmf3m9YGFdyC <—- That is the Wallet Address according to (

I love Ravencoin don't get me wrong, but this was my main issue with Bitcoin and other Altcoins that were Pre-Mined, not knowing who the players are. I mean 40% of all RVN coins are held in a semi-active wallet. Just wanted to get the communities thoughts on the subject, anyone know who owns this RVN address?

submitted by /u/UnlikelyLobster7649
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